3D Printing Connects The Digital Dots For Kids
February 12, 2017 | By Don Musilli | In 3D Printing, Blog
LiteWorld along with its non-profit partner, Englewood Incubation Center ( www.englewoodincubationcenter.org ) put on a Maker Faire on January 29th. The idea was to have a way to engage the public to see what we have been seeing for almost five years. In August of 2012 we started EIC to create a way for students […]
3D Printing or Additive Manufacturing 2017
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing will be in the news in 2017 more than ever before. Why? Because the business community, schools and entrepreneurs have finally figured out that this technology has the capability of changing the way we make, design, prototype and test any type of product anywhere for 1/100th the cost of traditional […]
3D Printing Connecting Today’s Youth To Manufacturing
December 3, 2016 | By Don Musilli | In 3D Printing, Blog
I recently wrote a White Paper on the subject of 3D Printing being the best way to connect students to the art of making something again as well as being a great opportunity for anyone to start a business out of their house for a very low cost. Innovation in technology is moving at warp […]LiteWorld 3D Printer Enclosure New Design
October 9, 2016 | By Don Musilli | In Blog, LiteWorld Protective Enclosure
Since its entry into the market at the end of 2015, the LiteWorld Protective Enclosure has been successfully installed for over 40 customers across the U.S. The LPE was originally designed to be used over the LulzBot TAZ 5 and TAZ 6 3D printers providing 360 degrees of visibility and enough room to have two […]LiteWorld 3D Printers and Enclosures Now Available On Line
September 11, 2016 | By Don Musilli | In Blog
Setting up a website requires the use of the latest html tools and great webmasters who can make your site viable in this highly competitive market place. In addition, the market has become accustomed to purchasing almost anything on line through their computer, tablet, phone or any mobile device. Since 60% of all website searches […]