3D Printing Now That 3D Hubs Is Gone – Liteworld LLC

September 22, 2018 | By Don Musilli | In About Us
For a number of years 3D HUBS had connected thousands of individuals with various types of 3D printers to offer their services to anyone who wanted to have an object or part printed but either could not afford or have access to a 3D Printer. But as of the middle of October, 3D HUBS will be using only its high end 3D Printers to make parts and will not job them out to those individuals who were previously in the connected loop.
LiteWorld LLC was formed in 2016 and is the printing partner for Englewood Incubation ( Innovation) Center which was formed in 2012 to bring 3D Printing to the local schools and businesses. LiteWorld has twelve ( 12 ) 3D Printers in its stable. These include, 3 LulzBot TAZ Mini units ( one is the new Mini 2 ), 2 LulzBot TAZ 6 units, 2 LulzBot TAZ 5 units, one Prusa MK2, one Creality CR 10S, one XYZ SLA Printer, one MakerBot Replicator and one Markforged Mark II Printer ( Carbon Fiber, Onyx, Nylon, Fiberglass, Kevlar ).
We have been printing since 2012 and have used a wide variety of materials with our printers. We can model in Fusion 360, Solidworks, Tinkercad and Auto Cad. For many parts we use PETG materials as well as PLA, ABS, Nylon and TPU ( Ninja Flex ). We have also printed in Bronze, Brass, Copper and wood.
If you have a part that you wish to be printed and have the .stl or .obj file you can email it to us. If you dont’ have the files but have the part or pieces of the part we can re-create it in our facility and then print it out for you. This separates us from the other ” 3D Print from files only” operators. We also designed, developed and now produce the best 3D Printer enclosure on the market today.
You can view our programs via our website at: https://www.liteworldllc.com or contact me directly via my email address at: donmusilli@liteworldllc.com . Or you can call us during normal business hours at: 941-999-8200.
LiteWorld LLC also does limited production, prototyping and product development and design. We may be young but we have over 50 years of design and production experience in our staff. LiteWorld LLC….”Bringing Future Technology To The Present”
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